Monthly Meetings: First Wednesday 6:30 PM, Via Zoom: See MEETING page
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Our Story is Your Story
The name of our community organization is the Westside Coalition of Neighborhood Associations. The boundaries of this Coalition are the areas of Bernalillo County and the City of Albuquerque west of the Rio Grande River, encompassing our member Neighborhood and Homeowners Associations. Our members are Neighborhoods, Commercial and Civic Associations, and Homeowners Associations located three miles south of Central Avenue to the Sandoval County Line.
The Coalition aims to provide a venue for neighborhood and homeowners associations within its boundaries to achieve and maintain communications on civic and neighborhood matters. The Coalition offers a channel of communication with local, state, and federal governments. The Coalition's purpose is to provide a means to preserve, protect, and enhance the residents' quality of life within its boundaries and to provide a unified voice on important issues. WSCONA also coordinates with other Bernalillo County Coalitions through the Inner Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, individual advocates, and neighborhoods throughout the city and county. Our membership can direct their dues by majority resolution to assist communities inside and outside of our Coalition.
The Coalition, or any member purporting to represent the Coalition, shall not endorse nor publicly support any candidate for public office. The Coalition sponsors candidate forums to understand better candidates' positions on issues affecting the neighborhoods. The Coalition reports on elected officials' public votes, policies, and funding priorities because these decisions impact our members and communities. WSCONA informs our members when state and federal government decisions affect local communities. Our members (Directors) determine WSCONA public positions through resolutions when the public participation schedule allows full membership participation. WSCONA uses a majority vote. Our Bylaws require Minority Reports accurately reflect the issues and number of members supporting the minority position. When the public participation schedule is less than forty-five days, the Executive Committee votes on member notifications and interim reports requesting individual comments to officials.
Any neighborhood or homeowners association registered or recognized with the City of Albuquerque Office of Neighborhood Coordination or Bernalillo County and within the boundaries shall be eligible for membership. Members shall designate a primary and alternate representative to represent that association at all coalition meetings. The Coalition's fiscal year is from January 1 through December 31. Our Bylaws state the terms (one year) and election of officers (scheduled for the first Wednesday in February).
Any individual, business organization, neighborhood, or homeowner's association within the County of Bernalillo supportive of the goals of the Coalition is eligible to participate in the Coalition as a non-voting associate member.
Sunrise by Richard Schaefer