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WSCONA Meeting Agenda for Wednesday, May 04, 2022, ZOOM Meeting 6:30 to 8:20

Writer's picture: WSCONAWSCONA


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Thank you to members attending the May WSCONA Meeting and to our guests. Tonight's meeting discusses COUNCIL BILL NO. O-22-15, Neighborhood Association Recognition Ordinance (NARO) passed on a five to four vote from the City Council. The previous City Council rejected a similar council bill last year. The Council Bill outlines methods for neighbor associations (NAs) and coalitions to be recognized by the City of Albuquerque and receive land notifications from city zoning applicants.

New IDO Changes appeared this week without citizen participation; new additions to City Open Space and Parks allow significant development without sensitive land protections. Some proposed City Council Redistricting Maps would dramatically change City Council Districts and break-up communities of interest


6:20: Meeting Sign-in Open

6:30: Welcome and President's Calendar Update, Welcome Guests

6:35: NARO

  • NARO Mandatory Bylaw revisions. What is the role of an unrecognized neighborhood association and unregistered members? What are the appeal criteria for being dropped from CABQ recognition? Consensus thus far: NARO is long on the inclusion of non-registered voters and short on tangible citizen equity.

  • Recognition and Notification: Bernalillo County and CABQ Neighborhood Recognition, and Registration with NM Office of the Secretary of State

  • WSCONA Tools for Neighbor Associations, HOA Members and Business Associations

7:10: Parks and Open Space Additions; Open Space and Allowed Development Under the IDO

7:30: Rene Horvath, Land Report, DRB Amendments:

  • IDO Proposed Legislation

  • May 2, 2022, City Council Meeting Agenda: disposition of proposed legislation altering the CABQ Zoning Ordinance the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO)

  • Neighborhood Association notifications and facilitated meetings

8:00: Notices concerning the City Council Redistricting Process and Currently Proposed Maps

  • How to find Redistricting Maps and Criteria for Redistricting developed by consultants: Research and Polling (Map with minimal changes - Option A)

  • Schedule for Council Redistricting Public Meeting was extended by two public meetings

General information on process and explanation of changes in each of the five original concepts is here:

8:05: Comments and questions from Neighborhood Association

Please submit comments and questions in writing to the EC. Is a resolution, action item, agenda item, or specific topic proposed?

Possible subjects:

  • Current challenges for Neighborhood Associations and needed resources

  • Neighborhood Association requests for future meeting topics.

  • Suggestions for improvements to WSCONA

  • Suggested improvements to local, county, and state procedures, ordinances, or state statutes

8:15 Public Comments

8:20 Adjourn to next meeting


  • Please see the new WSCONA website,, MEETINGS Page for May 4, 2022 Exhibits.

  • Visitors can download May 4, 2022, Agenda and Exhibits from the web page: MEETINGS Legislation for NARO with the last Amendment; Other Neighborhood Notification Proposals

  • Parks proposal: Table of Uses and Alan Schwartz and EK Haley Summaries

  • NARO and Mayor's Veto

  • New IDO zoning code amendments proposed last week seem not to be identified in the last Regional Comprehensive Plan (Bernalillo County City of Albuquerque Comprehensive Plan (amended through 2013) or City of Albuquerque ABQ-Z Plan (March 21, 2017). Still, the proposed legislative changes omitted citizen input, reasons for the amendments, origins of the request or referenced data demonstrating the need for a legislative amendment to the zoning ordinance. The City of Albuquerque Council approved approximately three hundred changes to the IDO since the adoption.

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