6:30 WELCOME, PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE, and MOMENT OF SILENCE: Greeting WSCONA Representatives, Guests and Neighbors; Elizabeth Haley WSCONA President will explain the operating rules for the 2024 WSCONA meetings. Frank Comfort, Vice President, will lead the Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence. Richard Schaefer, Secretary, will take attendance.
6:45-7:00 APD OFFICERS & COMMUNITY POLICING EVENTS. Acting West Side Area Commander Chris Patterson and Pete Gelabert, Crime Prevention Specialist
Pete Gelabert
Crime Prevention Specialist
NW Area Command Police Sub-Station
10401 Cibola Loop NW, 87114
Office 505-768-4873
Mobile 505-803-2982
E-mail pgelabert@cabq.gov
7:00-7:15 Double Eagle Airport Expansion Plans. The City of Albuquerque is planning an expansion to Double Eagle Airport:
Double Eagle II Airport (AEG) is an active general aviation facility on Albuquerque’s west side. There are approximately 240 based aircraft and 120,000 annual operations comprising training, military, air ambulance, charter, private and corporate flights. The airport sits at an elevation of 5,834 feet above sea level and is located approximately eight miles north of Interstate 40 at the top of Nine Mile Hill on Albuquerque’s West Mesa.
There was no notification of neighborhoods or the Westside Coalition of Neighborhood Associations. The Petroglyph National Monument received a notice on 3/7/2024 of an EPC Hearing via ZOOM (Thursday, at 8:30 AM, April 18, 2024). A preliminary Neighborhood Meeting was required by the IDO, but not held or scheduled to this date; it has been requested by the National Park Service.
The Public Notice of EPC Submittal and Hearing states it is to approve: A Text Amendment to the Double Eagle II Master Plan to allow non-aeronautical uses including commercial, light industrial, educational, studio uses and renewable energy generation.
There has been no mention of a Zone Map change. Still, some listed new uses could require reclassification of the existing zone map. It is unclear if the pre submittal review included environmental studies.
Contact: Christina Sandoval, Planner,
CABQ Department of AviationÂ
(505) 718 0977
These offices are initiating a listening tour of neighborhood association meetings in May and would like to schedule an appearance at individual meetings.
The Office of Constituent Services team is also conducting a renewed effort to connect with local community leaders, answer submitted questions in these meetings and share project updates happening in your neighborhood. The Office of Constituent Services would also like to know if there are specific topics Neighborhood Associations are interested in learning more about, and if so, they will help coordinate subject matter experts from City staff.
Doug Small, Director
CABQ Office of Public Information
A native New Mexican and Sandia High School Matador, Doug has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Economics from the College of Wooster in Ohio. Prior to joining the City as a Constituent Services Representative and Assistant to First Lady Elizabeth Kistin Keller in 2019.
Daniel Manzano,
Assistant Director Office of Public Information
Daniel’s role in public affairs is to connect the mayor to the community and the community to the mayor.Â
Cecilia Webb
Constituent Services
(505) 768 2742
c (505) 249 7082
7:30-7:45 LUPZ HEARING ON IDO TECHNICAL UPDATE and SMALL AREA AMENDMENTS.The WSCONA Land Committee and ICC Working Group Members don’t support all of the EPC decisions concerning IDO legislative and quasi-judicial amendments. The Amendment requiring referral to Tribal Nations for development next to the Petroglyph National Monument DID NOT RECEIVE AN EPC RECOMMENDATION to LUPS on January 18 . (Councilor Fiebelkorn is the sponsor) . Members Voted on a WSCONA Resolution to Support the LUPZ Comments. Rene’ Horvath, Jane Baechle, Michael Voorhees, and Elizabeth Haley will provide supporting Information.
7:45-8:00 UPDATE OF FACILITATED MEETINGS, INDIVIDUAL EPC HEARINGS AND (LUHO) APPEALS, AND SCHEDULED LUPS MEETINGS. There are several opportunities to participate in community planning meetings for the West Side, Bernalillo County, and the City of Albuquerque. Rene’ Horvath. Please see the Land Report for details, locations, in-person and Zoom Links, instructions and dates.
March 29th Friday LUHO Hearing Bosque Dell Acres
April 6th Saturday Capstone Project
April 9th Tuesday Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan Update
April 10th Wednesday LUPS Hearing
April 18th Thursday EPC Hearing on the Text Amendment to DEII Airport Master Plan
8:00-8:10 APPEAL OF THE QUASI-JUDICIAL VPO-2 View Overlay Decision
ENDNOTES:How are Appeals administered under the IDO?
The following are definitions of the various land appeal processes under the City of Albuquerque. For a definition of Quasi-Judicial Proceedings, please see excerpted sections from the NMML Zoning Officials Handbook, which is available in pdf format on the WSCONA website. wsconanm.org
The EPC, and LUHO are quasi-judicial meetings. The City Council conducts both legislative and quasi-judicial meetings.
How are Appeals administered under the IDO?
The following are definitions of the various land appeal processes under the City of Albuquerque. For a definition of quasi-judicial proceedings, please see excerpts from the NMML Zoning Officials Handbook, available in PDF format.
The EPC, LUHO, and City Council are quasi-judicial meetings. (1) The Environmental Planning Commission (EPC) is an appointed, nine-member, volunteer citizen board with authority on many land use and planning issues. The EPC conducts regularly scheduled public hearings on the 2nd Thursday of each month in the Plaza del Sol hearing room. The Plaza del Sol building address is 600 2nd Street NW in downtown Albuquerque. Hearings generally begin at 8:30 AM and conclude when adjourned (the EPC Chair). The EPC regularly holds Case Distribution Sessions on the 1st Thursday of each month (usually at 3:00 PM) to receive staff report packets for items on the agenda for the following week. From time to time, the EPC conducts special hearings on the 1st Thursday of the month and occasionally schedules meetings at other times. All hearings and meetings for new cases are advertised in the Albuquerque Journal and posted on the City’s website: http://www.cabq.gov/planning/boardsand-commissions (click on EPC, then select the desired agenda).Â
The EPC can approve on-site development plan requests for SU-1 zoned sites, shopping center (SC) designated sites, and most zone change requests. The EPC reviews and provides recommendations to the City Council on annexation requests, specific zone change requests, proposed Zoning Code and Subdivision Ordinance amendments, and adoption or revision to Rank I, Rank II, and Rank III Plans – including the Comprehensive Plan and area plans. The commission also hears appeals of impact fee assessments. The monthly application deadline for EPC requests is noon on the last Thursday of each month. There are approximately 42 - 49 days from the application deadline to the public hearing, depending upon how the dates fall on the calendar. The Planning Department assigns a staff planner to each application, and the planner distributes materials to city departments and outside agencies for review and comment on Monday after the application deadline. Agency comments are due to the Planning Department approximately two weeks after the deadline.
(2) Appeals of decisions made by Boards and Commissions go to the City Council via the Land Use Hearing Officer (LUHO). The LUHO makes recommendations to the City Council.
(3) Per Section 14-16-6-4(U) Appeals in the Integrated Development Ordinance and the City Charter, the City Council is the ultimate decision maker on appeals of land use decisions. Once an appeal has been heard and decided by the City Council, the Notice of Decision is available through Legistar.
(4) WSCONA can give technical support to impacted neighborhood associations and other members.
ZOOM LINK on Calendar Page
Topic: WSCONA APRIL 3, 2024 MEETING_AGENDA 2024_04_03Time: Apr 3, 2024 06:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)