March 13, 20224
ZOOM Meeting 6:30 PM MST to 8:15 PM MST; Sign in is at 6:20 PM MST
Meeting Protocol and Procedures:
Edit and/or modify your user name in the chat and participant window: state your name and Neighborhood Association. This makes it easier to take attendance and keep a record of members attending the meeting. Repeat this procedure in the chat. All chat statements are directed to the Officer (President) conducting the Zoom Meeting and are recorded with the meeting.
Use the ‘Raise Hand’ feature: If you raise your hand manually, it is very difficult to see you and call on you in a timely manner. Members using phones must request they be renamed by the Host and they should alert the host if they are having issues utilizing the elections application. They may vote by voice.
The Current Bylaws govern the election and are excerpted below:
Article V – MembershipSection 1. Membership is open to all Albuquerque and Bernalillo County recognized neighborhood associations, homeowner associations, business groups, and community groups within the boundaries of the Coalition, and may be available to individual residents and property owners within said boundaries but located outside any homeowner association recognized by the Coalition. WSCONA Membership shall not be limited by race, creed, religion, color, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, heritage, national origin, or income. The Coalition shall allow ongoing membership enrollment throughout the year. The Membership term is from January to December of each year or from enrollment to the end of December of the same calendar year. Memberships expire yearly. Members shall provide affirmation of Membership by completing updated membership forms annually.
There shall be four types of voting membership in the Coalition: Regular, Associate, Group, and Individual.
Section 2. Regular Membership (voting) — limited to neighborhood associations within the Coalition boundaries.
Section 3. Associate Membership (voting) — limited to homeowner associations within the Coalition boundaries.
Section 4. Group Membership (voting) — limited to business groups or community groups within the Coalition boundaries.
Section 5. Individual Membership (voting) — limited to individual households and property owners within Coalition boundaries but outside any neighborhood association or homeowner association recognized by the Coalition.
Article VI – Dues / Member DonationsSection 1. Dues are voluntary for all members and cannot be a prerequisite for either membership or voting.
Section 2. Suggested levels for voluntary dues/member donations will be set by vote of the membership during the meeting immediately prior to the beginning of each year.
Section 3. Voluntary dues/member donations can be made at the Annual Meeting or at any time during the year.
Article VII- VotingSection 1. Each Coalition member that has received affirmation of membership prior to any vote or election may cast one vote on any question and participate in any Coalition election. Each voting member organization, group, or affirmed individual has one vote, which can be cast by either the designated “primary” or one of two “alternate” representatives.
Section 2. All questions to be voted upon by the WSCONA membership will be decided by a majority vote of a quorum of voting members present at the “membership meeting” in which the vote is taken. Voting may be in person or by electronic ballots, provided tabulation of results is limited to an announced meeting date.
Section 3. Questions to be voted upon by the Executive Committee will be decided by a vote of a majority of Executive Committee that is present.
Article VIII –Executive CommitteeSection 1. The Executive Committee shall be the governing body of the Coalition and shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and no fewer than three or more than nine At Large Directors, elected by the voting membership at the Annual Meeting. Committee member terms shall be for one year with no limit on the number of terms served by any individual.
Section 2. Executive Committee Nominations: Nominations will be accepted by the Committee at the meetings in January and February. Nominees must be members of the Coalition as stated in Article V. A vote will be taken during the Annual Meeting to elect the Executive Committee.
Section 3. Officers of the Coalition include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and any such other officers as determined by the Executive Committee.
Section 4. Officers shall hold terms of one year.
Section 5. Members are eligible to hold any officer position within the Coalition.
Section 6. Vacancies occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by nominations accepted by the President and a majority vote of the Executive Committee and confirmed by the Membership in the next meeting.
Section 7. Any elected officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of a quorum of the voting Membership, provided the sponsors distribute notices of the special meeting and of the intent to terminate the Officer or Officers to the Executive Committee, and the Membership in writing at least thirty (30) days before the scheduled meeting at which such action is discussed.
Section 8. Replacement(s) for officers who resign or are removed under Section 7 above will be appointed by a majority vote of a quorum of the voting Membership.
Article IX – Duties of the Officers The duties of the officers shall include but not be limited to the following:
Section 1. President: The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Coalition and shall in general supervise all the business and affairs of the Coalition between meetings of the Executive Committee. The President shall have the ability to call Executive Committee and Membership meetings, preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and the Membership. The President shall also have authority to appoint a parliamentarian. The President shall, with the approval of the Executive Committee, appoint all standing and special committees and shall be an ex-officio member of the committees, with the exception of the Elections Committee. The President shall make an annual report to the membership at the Annual Meeting and file the report with the Secretary. The President shall approve and ensure necessary reports to the City of Albuquerque in compliance with the Neighborhood Association Recognition Ordinance (NARO), as well as required annual reports so WSCONA can be recognized by Bernalillo County.
Section 2. Vice President: The Vice President shall, when necessary, perform the duties of the President and shall succeed to the Presidency in the event of the death, disability, resignation, or removal from office of the President.
.Section 3. Secretary: The Secretary shall write and keep records of all Executive Committee Meetings and minutes of General Membership Meetings, keep all records of the Coalition, and give notice of all meetings as directed. The Secretary shall perform all other duties incidental to the office of the Secretary or as required by the President or the Executive Committee. unopposed candidates may be approved by acclamation and not require a ballot. The committee shall, if necessary, distribute, collect and count the ballots of officer elections at the Annual February Meeting. They shall also prepare a vote report. Ballots (in paper or electronically) should be collected and counted in the meeting. The Committee’s chair shall publicly read its vote report to the Coalition at the meeting. The chair shall declare the results.
Section 4. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect all monies due to the Coalition and deposit all funds of the Coalition into a bank account set up by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall ensure that all bills approved by the Executive Committee are paid and shall keep a written account of all expenditures and retain all receipts. The Treasurer shall present a financial statement at the annual membership meeting. The Treasurer shall prepare financial statements and a budget for recurring expenses. The Executive Committee or the President may request the Treasurer present financial statements or changes in the recurring or extraordinary expenditures in a report to the members.
Section 6. At Large Executive Committee Members: Those designated as At Large members of the Executive Committee shall identify one or more aspects of policy or programs of importance to the Coalition and, with approval of the Executive Committee, report on activities related to those areas, write reports, and make recommendations. Possible areas of focus include, but are not limited to Land Use, Roads / Traffic, Police Liaison, Communications, Government Relations, Parks and Recreation / Open Spaces, Education, and Environmental Monitoring.
Article X – CommitteesSection 1. The Executive Committee may establish necessary committees at any meeting.
Section 2. No report or other action of a committee of the Coalition shall be considered as an act of the Coalition unless approved by the Executive Committee or by the membership.
Section 3. Elections Committee: The members shall establish an ad hoc Elections Committee, comprised of 3 to 4 members. Committee members should be chosen for accuracy, dependability, and have the confidence of membership, and should not have a direct personal involvement in the results of the election. The committee’s purpose shall be to establish election guidelines and officer nominees and at large nominees to the Executive Committee to present to the members and to conduct the election at the Annual Meeting. Nominees, other than those presented by the Elections Committee, shall follow the same rules and guidelines as required by the presented nominees, and shall be allowed at the Annual Meeting. An election with
Article XI – MeetingsSection 1. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Coalition except where in conflict with these by-laws. At the discretion of the President, a member may be appointed Parliamentarian to serve as arbiter in cases where protocol and procedures in accordance with Roberts are at issue.
Section 2. The Coalition shall hold an Annual Meeting each March. The Coalition will notify the Office of Neighborhood Coordination prior to the meeting and make a reasonable attempt to provide notice to all member neighborhood groups, businesses, and individuals within its boundaries at least two weeks in advance through one or more of the following: U.S. Mail; delivered flyers; website or social media posting; e-mail, text message, direct message through social media, or other form of electronic messages delivered to the known address of each member. To the extent possible, Membership meetings will be scheduled on a recurring and predictable schedule.
Section 3. The Annual Meeting shall be for the purpose of electing the Executive Committee, receiving any annual reports of Officers and Committees, and any other business as determined by the Executive Committee. Each voting member shall be afforded the ability to vote at the Annual Meeting in-person or through virtual attendance.
Section 4. The Executive Committee shall meet as necessary, but at least quarterly, to conduct the business of the Coalition, at such time and place as determined by the Executive Committee. All Executive Committee members will be notified of meeting times and places. To the extent possible, Executive Committee meetings will be scheduled on a recurring and predictable schedule.
Section 5. A majority of the Executive Committee, 30 percent of the membership, or the President may call a special meeting of the membership. The President shall preside, and the Secretary shall give notice at least 10 days prior to any such meeting.
Section 6. For elections or voting other than the Annual Meeting, the Executive Committee shall allow each voting member a vote using at least one of the following methods: in-person or electronic means.
Section 7. No member of the Coalition may vote by proxy.
Section 8. All members and guests are expected to treat each other with respect and conduct themselves professionally during meetings. To ensure a smooth process, individuals shall wait to be recognized by the President or the meeting leader before speaking. Derogatory remarks or attacks towards any member or guest are strictly prohibited. It is important to respect everyone's time, as meeting disruptions can result in wasted time, unaddressed agenda items, and limited opportunities for input from members and guests.
Definitions: Quorum: A quorum, consisting of a majority of the member associations shall be required at all times when motions are raised requiring a vote. If a quorum is not evident the Secretary shall conduct a voice roll call to determine if a quorum exists. A quorum is not required for adjournment when the Directors agree that all business on the published agenda is concluded, or if a quorum cannot be obtained. A quorum is not needed to conduct business not requiring a vote.
Information on the voting system is being sent to each primary member. Please let Becky Davis know via the same email if an alternate member is voting in the Annual Meeting
6:20: Meeting Sign in
6:30: Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence and Attendance
6:45: 2023 President’s Annual Report and Summary of Upcoming Challenges and Opportunities
7:00 Elections Committee and Elections
7:30 2023 Executive Committee Member Closing Remarks
7:40: Election Results