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OCTOBER WSCONA MEETING, October 4, 2023, 6:30 PM

Updated: Jan 10, 2024

AGENDA WEDNESDAY MEETING, October 4, 2023, 6:30 PM Greeting WSCONA Representatives, Guests and neighbors; 6:20: Meeting Sign in

6:30 WELCOME, PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE, and MOMENT OF SILENCE: President Elizabeth Haley will welcome members and explain the operating rules for the 2023 WSCONA meetings. Richard Schaefer, Secretary, will take attendance. 6:40 APPOINTMENT OF A PARLIAMENTARIAN. (Elizabeth Haley) 6:40-6:50 APD NW AREA COMMAND REPORT: Commander David Saladin or Peter Gelabert are guests discussing public safety. Questions for the Commander this month: What are the impacts of the additional resources from the Governor’s Emergency Order on Gun Violence on the Command and APD patrols? What are the effects of parking lot cameras on local retail crime?

6:50-7:30 WSCONA BYLAWS 2023 Discussion and Vote to Approve the Draft Consensus Approved at the last Special Meeting

7:30-7:45 WESTSIDE COALITION OF NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONS and MICHAEL T. VOORHEES, Appellants, CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE, a New Mexico municipal corporation, Appellee, and CONSENSUS PLANNING, INC. agent(s) for JUBILEE DEVELOPMENT, LLC, and GROUP II U26 VC, LLC, INTERESTED PARTIES. Scheduled Appeal October 4, 2023. Basis of the appeal (AC-23-14_PR-2022-007712): The main problem from the Appellants' perspective is the failure of the applicant's agent, the Planning Department, and the DHO to identify and apply basic and clear IDO provisions to protect Major Public Open Space to this Plat. The 18-acre subject site is across Rosa Parks Road from the El Cuentista MPOS. The applicant's proposed Plat at R 34 shows the southwest corner portion of the subject site directly across Rosa Parks Rd. from the northwest corner area of the El Cuentista MPOS area. However, the MPOS is not identified as such on the Plat. The property does not appear to be permitted for extraction operations, and extraction activities are taking place. IDO Sections 6-2(B)(1)(c) and 6-9(C)(1)(a) and (d)(4) provide that violations are a basis to deny approval. Appellants request that the ZEO investigate and address this issue in writing before the City Council considers this appeal. Appellant Westside Coalitions states that its position to support height restrictions on the West Side and particularly Volcano Cliffs and undertake related action was passed on Executive Committee Approval and a subsequent November 2, 2022, WSCONA Neighborhood Representative member's vote as a published agenda item on a 17-2 vote. Monthly reports have been an agenda item on each successive month's agenda of monthly meetings.

Consensus Planning, Inc. (the agent for the applicants in this appeal) undertook the La Cuentista MPOS rezoning for the City Parks and Recreation Department (see Ms. Fishman's Affidavit, Exhibit 5 with Mr. Campbell's September 27, 2023, letter). In this case, the applicants have an insider position, and the City allowed changes in the open space protections promulgated by Consensus Planning that violated earlier policies and protections.

Guest Speaker: Michal Voorhees and Land Committee Chair Rene' Horvath will provide an update on further developments. Please see www. https/ for the links to funding and progress on the two appeals.

7:45 -7:50 UPDATE ON WSCONA POLICY ISSUES AND NEW OPPORTUNITIES TO BE HEARD (Elizabeth Haley) The Public Regulation Commission Rejects Stipulated Agreement Between New Mexico Gas Company and PRC Staff Regarding Proposed LNG Plant, Ordering that a Public Hearing on the Merits of the Case will Proceed. A majority of voting members of WSCONA passed a resolution urging the New Mexico Public Regulatory Commission to refuse PRC approval of a Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) plant in District 1 of Bernalillo County, two miles north of the Double Eagle Airport.

The Board of County Commissioners (BCC), Administrative Meeting, 10/10/2023 5:00 PM, Ken Sanchez Commission Chambers, Bernalillo County @ Alvarado Square 415 Silver Ave. SW Albuquerque, NM 87102, will review a similar resolution. The WSCONA Resolution was sent to County Commissioners last week. See the website for meeting details. https://

New Bernalillo County is reviewing proposals to limit Public Notification and Community Input on Zoning by moving issues from Quasi-Judicial Review to Administrative Decisions. Bernalillo County Planning Commission Also scheduled at 9:00 AM on Wednesday, October 4, 2023, are several proposals to be reviewed by the Bernalillo County Planning Commission involving limiting notification on Sector Plan changes from 500 to 200 feet and allowing administrative changes on Special Use developments (impacting less than 5% of the plan). See Attachments and

An invitation to participate in Governor Luhan Grisham's Housing Investment Council came from Amy Whitfield, who supports owner-occupied housing. See the attachment for Zoom meeting links.

7:50-8:14 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORTS —Scheduled public meetings and deadlines for comments or participation regarding City and County initiatives.

  • Parks and Recreation and Open Space Committee Chair (WSCONA Representation on City and County Advisory Committees) - Julie Radoslovich (at-large)

  • Community Policing Council - Dana Skaar (Treasurer)

  • Communications Committee Chair - Nick Harrison (At-Large)

  • Land Committee Chair - Rene' Horvath (At-Large) Issues and meetings

  • Legislative Committee and Bylaws Revision - Elizabeth Haley (President); Timeline for member's Bylaw comments

  • Upcoming events for September

  • 8:15 Adjourn to next meeting

  • Attachments: 1. Attachment- 9657 2. County Planning Committee Agenda 3. Policy Changes to Increase Housing 4. Public Regulation Commission Rejects Stipulated Agreement Between New Mexico Gas Company and PRC Staff Regarding Proposed LNG Plant, Ordering that a Public Hearing on the Merits of the Case Will Proceed

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