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WSCONA requests attendees log in at 6:20 PM MST. All attending must identify themselves and rename by name, WSCONA membership (if any), Neighborhood Association, or public (example: Elizabeth Haley, WSCONA 2022 President through February 2023, PHCA). The "Chat" function is just for recording attendance and candidate emails.


6:30 WSCONA Secretary Richard Schaefer takes voting members' attendance. Attendees, please register attendance in "Chat" (name, WSCONA Member, Neighborhood Association, and if none, zip code). Vice-President FRANK COMFORT leads us in the Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence.

6:40 to 6:45 Our thanks to Alan Schwartz, who reviewed the current bylaws and completed a review of the impacts to our bylaws by the NARO provisions approved by the Albuquerque City Council. Alan has indicated he will not be applying for an at-large position in 2023. Alan has stepped-up multiple times to perform service to WSCONA and the Executive Committee, bringing his cogent analysis to the chaos of Albuquerque and New Mexico issues. I want to thank Alan for his service to our organization and Karen Schwartz for her excellent contributions.

6: 45 to 7:00 Nick Harrison Treasury's Report and move to change bank accounts

7:00 to 7:10 There are questions regarding conflicts between current City Council IDO Ordinances and New Mexico State Statutes. Correspondence between the Inner Coalition of Neighborhood Coalitions, the Attorney General Office of Compliance, and the City of Albuquerque Office of Neighborhood Coordination confirmed that the City Attorney has questions to be answered concerning the NARO and Bylaw requirements.

7:10 to 7:20 A Bylaws Committee will be the next step to build on Alan's work, look at the issues and ask the City Attorney for further information. WSCONA members and alternates may comprise the Bylaws Committee. The deadline for adoption is November 2023. If others wish to join, please get in touch with Elizabeth Haley. Approval of the BYLAWS COMMITTEE CREATION. 7:20 to 7:30 Reading of existing Bylaws for the ELECTION COMMITTEE and vote to create the ELECTIONS COMMITTEE.

7:30 to 7:45 Land Report and submitted Resolution. Rene Horvath

7:45 to 8:15 WSCONA Legislative Listening Session and Members' Question and Answer Session. Please see the attachments for published priorities from Senate and Representative Websites. The WSCONA website contains detailed information about Candidates' funding and legislative priorities and links to the Legislative Websites, Legislative Bill tracking, and the City of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County approved requests for the 2023 New Mexico State Capital Outlay. The Links are on the WSCONA website, Invited Members of the New Mexico Senate and House: • State Senator District: 23, HAROLD POPE • State Senator District 26, ANTONIO MAESTAS • State Representative District 16, YANIRA GURROLA Note: The Board of County Commissioners addressed the New Mexico House of Representatives District 16 replacement at a special administrative meeting on Jan. 9, 2023. • State Representative District 17, CYNTHIA BORREGO • State Representative District 26, ELEANOR CHAVEZ • State Representative District 29, JOY GARRATT • State Representative District 68, CHARLOTTE LITTLE

8:15 to 8: 25 Final thoughts, upcoming events, and adjourn to next meeting.

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