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Meeting Protocol and Procedures: Edit and/or modify your user name in the chat and participant window: state your name and Neighborhood Association. This makes it easier to take attendance and keep a record of members attending the meeting. Repeat this procedure in the chat. All chat statements are directed to the Officer (President) conducting the Zoom Meeting and are recorded with the meeting. Use the ‘Raise Hand’ feature: If you raise your hand manually, it is very difficult to see you and call on you in a timely manner. The Current Bylaws governing tonight’s business are excerpted below:


  1. MEMBERSHIP of the coalition: Any neighborhood or homeowners association registered or recognized with the Office of Neighborhood Coordination or with Bernalillo County and within the boundaries shall be eligible for membership. New overlapping neighborhood association boundaries of more than 50% are strongly discouraged.

  2. REPRESENTATION: Members shall designate a primary and alternate representative to represent that association at all coalition meeting. A list of those representatives shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary of the coalition. All changes must also be in writing and submitted prior to the next Coalition meeting.

  3. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: Any neighborhood or homeowner's association within the County of Bernalillo supportive of the goals of the Coalition is eligible to participate in the Coalition as a non-voting associate member.


  1. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The government of the Coalition shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of one (1) primary and one (1) alternate representative designated by each member association. Vacancies are to be filled by the affected member association, and such replacement directors serve for the remaining terms of their predecessors. Each member association may also have an alternate representative attend meetings in the absence of the designated representative.

  2. QUORUM: A quorum, consisting of a majority of the member associations shall be required at all times when motions are raised requiring a vote. If a quorum is not evident the Secretary shall conduct a voice roll call to determine if a quorum exists. A quorum is not required for adjournment when the Directors agree that all business on the

2023_03_01 AGENDA published agenda is concluded, or if a quorum cannot be obtained. A quorum is not needed to conduct business not requiring a vote. COMMITTEES AND DELEGATIONS The Board shall determine the committees necessary to fulfill the purposes and objectives of the Coalition. All committee members shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board. Committee chairs shall be selected by the committee members, be a voting representative or alternate, and shall be approved by the Board. The President and/or Vice President shall be exoffico members of all committees, with the exception of the Elections Committee. It is not necessary for a committee member to be a representative or an alternate. Committees shall exercise only those powers specifically vested in them by the Coalition. STANDING COMMITTEES: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The elected officers of the Board of Directors shall be members of the Executive Committee. The President is the chair of the committee. The Immediate Past President is also a member of the committee and may serve on the Executive Committee to assist in continuity of the Coalition's purpose and policy for up to one year but has no vote. The Executive Committee is empowered to represent the Coalition and carry out business as previously approved by the Board. The Executive Committee shall present a draft of the Coalition's Goals and Objectives to the Board annually. Regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be scheduled and held at least three (3) times a year by the Executive Committee. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or any two (2) members of the Executive Committee. A quorum of 4 members is necessary to conduct business.

  1. DELEGATIONS: The President, subject to approval by the Board, may appoint delegations to represent the Coalition as may be necessary. Delegations shall have only those powers vested in them by the Coalition.

  2. POWER TO BIND: Article IX limits the authority of each committee and delegation to obligate the Coalition.

  3. REPORTS: A report of any action taken by a committee or delegation shall be presented at the next regular meeting or special meeting. The Board may request that the report be prepared and presented in writing.

Article VII MONETARY MATTERS 1. FUNDS: The depository for Coalition funds, if any, and the manner of accomplishing them shall be determined by the Board. The WSCONA EC is sending supplemental information (Draft Resolutions, Committee and EC Reports, and other Information) to each primary member. ***********************************************

2023_03_01 AGENDA

6:20: Meeting Sign in

6:30: Welcome Moment of Silence and Attendance, Elizabeth Haley

6:40: Vice President Frank Comfort will introduce operating rules for the 2023 WSCONA meetings. Discussion by members; motions to approve or amend. Vote of membership to support the operating rules as amended.

7:10 Membership approval of Delegated Committees and Committee assignments. 2023 President and Executive Committee proposals for Committees to research issues for WSCONA subject to membership vote or instructions to the Executive Committee when required actions occur before the next member's meeting.

  • Issues Communications Committee Chair - Nick Harrison (at-large)

  • Parks and Recreation and Open Space Committee Chair (WSCONA Representation on City and County Advisory Committees) - Julie Radoslovich (at-large)

  • Land Committee Chair - Rene' Horvath (at-large)

  • Community Policing Council - Dana Skaar (Treasurer)

  • Legislative Committee - Elizabeth Haley (President)

  • Parliamentarian Non-Standing Committees

  • Education

  • Bylaws

7:40 Committee and EC Reports:

  • Treasurer: Moving the WSCONA bank accounts to the Bank of Albuquerque to avoid fees and correct bank account type and signatories. Nick Harrison, 2022 Treasurer, and Dana Saar, 2023 Treasurer.

  • Land Report - Rene Horvath, please see Land Report Summary. Vote of CABQ City Council, CABQ Subcommittees, and EPC and Appeals Hearings

  • Legislative Report - Elizabeth Haley

8:30 Adjourn to next meeting

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