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Meeting Protocol and Procedures: Edit and/or modify your user name in the chat and participant window: state your name and Neighborhood Association. This makes it easier to take attendance and keep a record of members attending the meeting. Repeat this procedure in the chat. All chat statements are directed to the Officer (President) conducting the Zoom Meeting and are recorded with the meeting.Use the ‘Raise Hand’ feature: If you raise your hand manually, it is very difficult to see you and call on you in a timely manner. *********************************************************************************************************************


6:20: Meeting Sign in

6:30: Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence, Elizabeth Haley, President. Attendance, Richard Schaefer, Secretary. President Elizabeth Haley will explain the operating rules for the 2023 WSCONA meetings.

6:40: Introduction of Guest Speakers by Elizabeth Haley:

  • Commander David Saladin and Peter Gelabert Crime Prevention Specialist, Northwest Area Command

  • Pete Dinelli Local Public Policy Reporter and Commentator ( 6:45-7:00 PM West Side Crime Prevention Update, Commander David Saladin and Peter Gelabert, Northwest Area Command

7:00 Pete Dinelli * will speak on upcoming City Council vote to change Single Family Residential Neighborhoods to Multifamily via the Housing Forward initiatives and IDO Ordinance amendments. For additional information please see the following Pete Dinelli blog posts:

  • Keller’s “Transformative Changes” To Make City “Shanty Town” With Casitas, Duplexes And City Sanctioned Homeless Tent Encampments;

  • Defer Zoning Changes Until After November 7 Municipal Election; Place On Nov Ballot;

  • Benton, Jones And Davis Should Recuse On IDO Updates.

  • Freshmen City Councilors Sanchez and Grout Seek To Gut Mayor’ Office With Ultimate “Borg” Power Grab. Questions and Answers from WSCONA members. WSCONA Resolution to defeat or defer City Council Resolution O-22-54

You can help. Please see the Links on and https:// for additional information

7:45 WESTSIDE COALITION OF NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONS and MICHAEL T. VOORHEES, Appellants, CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE, a New Mexico municipal corporation, Appellee, and CONSENSUS PLANNING, INC. agent(s) for JUBILEE DEVELOPMENT, LLC, and GROUP II U26 VC, LLC, INTERESTED PARTIES: Guest Speaker: Michal Voorhees Pursuant to Sections 3-21-9 and 39-3-1.1, NMSA 1978, and SCRA 1-074, Appellants gave notice of their appeal of the decision of March 6, 2023 by the Albuquerque City Council denying Appellants’ appeal in AC-23-1, under which Appellants appealed a decision of the Development Review Board on November 9, 2022 approving a site plan amendment, preliminary plat and new site plan proposed by Interested Parties for Project # PR-2022-007712, at Lot 5, Block 6, Unit 26, Volcano Cliffs.

7:50 Committee reports

  • Parks and Recreation and Open Space Committee Chair (WSCONA Representation on City and County Advisory Committees) - Julie Radoslovich (at-large)

  • Community Policing Council - Dana Skaar (Treasurer)

  • Legislative Committee and Bylaws - Elizabeth Haley (President)

  • Land Committee Chair - Rene' Horvath (At-Large)Issues

  • Communications Committee Chair - Nick Harrison (At-Large)

8:15 Adjourn to next meeting

* Pete Dinelli has been a licensed New Mexico attorney since 1978. Pete has over 27 years of municipal and state government service. Pete’s service to Albuquerque has been extensive. He has been an elected Albuquerque City Councilor, serving as Vice President. He has served as a Worker’s Compensation Judge with Statewide jurisdiction. Pete has been a prosecutor for 15 years and has served as a Bernalillo County Chief Deputy District Attorney, as an Assistant Attorney General and Assistant District Attorney and as a Deputy City Attorney. For eight years, Pete was employed with the City of Albuquerque both as a Deputy City Attorney and Chief Public Safety Officer overseeing the city departments of police, fire, 911 emergency call center and the emergency operations center. While with the City of Albuquerque Legal Department, Pete served as Director of the Safe City Strike Force and Interim Director of the 911 Emergency Operations Center.

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