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Writer's picture: WSCONAWSCONA


Greeting WSCONA Representatives, Guests and neighbors;

There will be two WSCONA Meetings this month. The Executive Committee moved the usual first Wednesday in the month meeting date to Thursday, September 7, 2023, to accommodate the Labor Day holiday and the availability of our guest speakers. The local election School Board election is November 7, 2023, and New Mexico is facing serious obstacles to remediate what the courts called unequal funds distributions and unequal access to a sufficient education for many of New Mexico's most struggling students (students with learning challenges and those living in rural areas of the State). The Executive Committee scheduled a second WSCONA Meeting for the third Wednesday of the month, September 20, 2023. The sole purpose of the Meeting will be the WSCONA and Neighborhood Association Bylaws.

Our second Special Meeting will be on Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 6:30 PM.

The topic will be Coalition and Neighborhood Association Bylaw revision as mandated by the City of Albuquerque Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance or the NARO.

Hope to see you Thursday, November 7 2023 and Wednesday November 30, 2023.;

6:20: Meeting Sign in

6:30 WELCOME, PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE, and MOMENT OF SILENCE: President Elizabeth Haley will welcome members and explain the operating rules for the 2023 WSCONA meetings. Richard Schaefer, Secretary, will take attendance.

6:35-6:45 APD NW AREA COMMAND REPORT: Commander David Saladin or Peter Gelabert are guests discussing public safety. Questions for the Commander this month: What are the impacts on the Command of the revised Open Space/APD patrols? What are the effects of parking lot cameras on local retail crime?

6:50-7:15 Albuquerque Public Schools Report on the way forward for APS: Next month, other races, including the Albuquerque City Council, will dominate the airways. Frank Comfort and Candy Patterson arranged and coordinated our speakers for this WSCONA Special Meeting. Thank you to them for the work and coordination entailed. Former Schools Board Member Candy Patterson will introduce the speakers: APS Schools Board President Yolanda Montoya-Cordova and APS Superintendent Scott Elder. The topics are:

  • New school board Elections (November 7).

  • The search for a new district superintendent.

  • The new education plan to conform to court rulings in Yazzie vs. Martinez.

How will the upcoming local school board elections impact a new APS superintendent search? Understanding the current challenges and vision for the district is critical. The contenders should have positions to meet these challenges rather than slogans. What platform concepts could guide our votes on November 7, 2023? Which proposals will most benefit or hurt our communities?

7:15-7:30 The Propose New Mexico Natural Gas LNG storage facility; A resolution concerning the LNG plant is required. I met with the intervenors. There are factual issues at play that might stop the PRC action, and they sent draft language to review, Anni Hanna, community outreach, media, and organizing and director of NM Climate Justice sent the issue sheet. WSCONA has posted Links to new information and timelines on the website. Vote on WSCONA LNG resolution.

7:30-7:45 WESTSIDE COALITION OF NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONS and MICHAEL T. VOORHEES, Appellants, CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE, a New Mexico municipal corporation, Appellee, and CONSENSUS PLANNING, INC. agent(s) for JUBILEE DEVELOPMENT, LLC, and GROUP II U26 VC, LLC, INTERESTED PARTIES: Guest Speaker: Michal Voorhees provides an update on further developments. Please see www. https/ for the links to funding and progress on the two appeals.

7:45-8:14 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORTS —Scheduled public meetings and deadlines for comments or participation regarding City and County initiatives.

  • Parks and Recreation and Open Space Committee Chair (WSCONA Representation on City and County Advisory Committees) - Julie Radoslovich (at-large)

  • Community Policing Council - Dana Skaar (Treasurer)

  • Communications Committee Chair - Nick Harrison (At-Large)

  • Land Committee Chair - Rene' Horvath (At-Large) Issues and meetings

  • Legislative Committee and Bylaws Revision - Elizabeth Haley (President); Timeline for member's Bylaw comments

  • Upcoming events for September

8:15 Adjourn to next meeting


1. Biographies of Yolanda Montoya-Cordova and APS Superintendent Scott Elder

2. Draft WSCONA Resolution #2 LNG Plant

This Resolution By the West Side Coalition of Neighborhood Associations ( WSCONA) is against the approval of a new Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) Facility located in southwest Rio Rancho, Bernalillo County, proximal to the City of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County residential and commercial areas, schools, parks, the Petroglyph National Monument, and Double Eagle airport (with fuel storage areas and a major gas pipeline).

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