See ZOOM LINK below with Attachments; also available on the CALENDAR page
WSCONA Meeting Agenda for , ZOOM Meeting 6:30 to 8:30 PM. Sign-in is at 6:20 PM
ZOOM invitation to the WSCONA Wednesday, December 7, 2022, at 6:30 PM Meeting. The 2022_12_07 WSCONA Meeting Agenda is attached.
Meeting Protocol and Procedures: Use the 'Raise Hand' feature. Using the electronic feature helps the meeting run smoothly. If you raise your hand manually, seeing and calling on you is challenging to the presenter.
Please use the chat function and address your comments to everyone. The chat function allows us to record attendance, discussions, information, links to presentations, and document information sent to the public chat.
Modify your username by stating your name and Neighborhood Association. WSCONA uses the participant's list to take attendance and record members attending the meeting.
6:20: Meeting Sign-in
6:30: (5 minutes), 2022 President Elizabeth Haley conveys Greetings, Instructions, and Introductions to WSCONA members and Guests. And will preview the subjects of upcoming meetings.
6:35: (10 minutes) Call to Order Vice-President Frank Comfort
Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence, WSCONA Secretary Richard Schaefer will call the roll.
6:45: (20 minutes) APD Westside Area Command Report: Commander David Saladin, Pete Gelabert, and Tom Post on the latest CASA Report.
A bright spot in the report was the Albuquerque Community Policing Councils formed in response to the Court Approved Settlement Agreement (CASA) in case number 1:14-cv-1025, United States District Court for the District of New Mexico. The role of the Councils is advisory only. The mission of the Community Policing Council (Council) is to promote and maintain inclusive, respectful, and cooperative interactions between the community and the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) to ensure constitutional community policing reforms are met and sustained.
The Community Policing Council will assist, counsel, recommend, or participate by:
Reviewing and assessing the propriety and effectiveness of law enforcement priorities and related community policing strategies, materials, and training;
Reviewing and assessing concerns or recommendations about specific APD policing tactics and initiatives;
Providing information to the community and conveying feedback from the community to APD;
Advising the Chief of Police on recruiting a qualified, diverse workforce; and advising the Police Chief on ways to collect and publicly disseminate data and information, including information about APD's compliance with the CASA, in a transparent and public-friendly format to the greatest extent allowed by law.
Several WSCONA Members are active in CSC. How have the Councils improved public safety in Albuquerque?
7:05: (20 minutes, Rene Horvath). Land Reports and Schedule of Upcoming Hearings
IDO amendments
DRB Appeal Decision allows the removal of the 2017 Site Plan of an Apartment complex. The 2017 plan restricted the height of the apartments adjacent to residential areas to (26 ft.) two stories transitioning to three levels adjacent to commercial locations. The lifting of the Sector Plan Height Restrictions is for commercial properties only.
The City of Albuquerque Planning Department has scheduled public meetings concerning the DRB transition to a Hearing Officer; is the hearing officer a Quasijudical process or a technical review?
The City of Albuquerque has scheduled public meetings explaining the Mayor's Housing Initiative.
7:30: A conversation with Scott Elder, Superintendent of Albuquerque Public Schools (30 minutes). The District includes all or portions of the following jurisdictions:
Bernalillo County
Sandoval County
City of Albuquerque
Village of Corrales
Village of Los Ranchos De Albuquerque
Village of Tijeras
Village of San Antonito
Village of Edgewood
Sandia Pueblo
Laguna Pueblo
Isleta Pueblo
Albuquerque Public Schools is the 34th largest school district in the nation, serving 83,000 students with over 12,000 employees on 1,230 square miles. Former School Board Member Candy Patterson will lead the conversation with Superintendent Elder.
Elizabeth Haley and Candy Patterson will introduce the topic. Scott Elder served as Chief Operations Officer for a district that spans 1,200 square miles with 13 million square feet of instructional space in 143 schools. During his time as COO, Elder oversaw APS Police, athletics, maintenance and operations, facilities design and construction, student transportation, food and nutrition, and more. Elder replaces Raquel Reedy, who retired on June 30, 2020, after serving five years as superintendent. Elder graduated from the University of New Mexico, where he earned bachelor's degrees in political science and Spanish and master's degrees in secondary education and business administration. Our questions to Superintendent Elder are:
What would you like to share about APS challenges and innovations?
We want to help with APS legislative and State Capital Outlay priorities. Our state senators and representatives are asking what WSCONA neighborhoods wish to fund for our area, the City, and the County. What are the APS priorities and why?
On July 20, 2018, Judge Sarah Singleton ruled that all New Mexico students have a right to public education and that the state is failing to meet this obligation (Martinez and Yazzie vs. the New Mexico State Department of Education). The ruling stated New Mexico violated the state constitution, failing to provide students with the programs and services to prepare them for college and career. The Order defined quality education as quality PreK, K-3 Plus, extended learning, dual language, culturally and linguistically relevant teaching, social services, small class sizes, and sufficient funding for teacher recruitment, retention, and training. The Court Order verified the state constitution established the right to public education but not a state's right to deny some children due to a lack of funds. The Court Order mandates the state legislature to develop the necessary funding formulas and legislation to meet New Mexico students' right to a sufficient education. Neighborhood Albuquerque Public Schools predominate within the West Side Coalition of Neighborhoods Area (the northwest quadrant of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County). WSCONA and APS serve diverse families with diverse needs and need allies to shape legislation for the whole state. How has APS reshaped its service model to craft a response to this generational challenge, and how much will the newly authorized funds authorized in the last election from the State permanent fund help?
Much of the affordable housing stock and new residential development continues to shift to the west side. How has this impacted APS facilities, and will the demographic shift in population to the west require APS school closing or consolidations? Does APS have other plans to continue using existing facilities over the east side of the river?
8:25 Close Elizabeth Haley
8:30: Adjourn
The meeting Link Follows.
The WSCONA Executive Committee invites you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Guest Speaker is Scott Elder, APS Superintendent
Time: December 7, 2022, 06:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Instructions To Join the Zoom Meeting
for participants is 6:20 PM MST
Topic: WSCONA Monthly Meeting
Time: December 7, 2022, 06:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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